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Instructions for Using a Pouch

Putting on Your Hotslings Fitted Pouch

Fold the pouch into itself to make a 2 layer tube. Find the curved-seamed end. This will be at your hip and toward the front. No matter what position you are using, the baby’s bum will be in the curved seam.

Put the folded edge over your head and rest it on your opposite shoulder. The curved, padded end should be down, directly under the opposite breast from your shoulder. The open side of the tube should be facing UP.


putting on Hotsling #1putting on Hotsling #2putting on Hotsling #3
putting on Hotsling #4putting on Hotsling #5putting on Hotsling #6


For the Cradle and Front Carries, the padding should be flipped on the outside. For the Hip Carry, padding will be on the inside.

Putting on your Kangaroo Korner Adjustable Pouch

po kkafp #1po kkafp #2po kkafp #3
Unfold your Adjustable Fleece Pouch so that it looks like this (this is a right-dominant pouch).Put your right arm through the opening on the side away from the open edges.Slide the pouch over your head onto your shoulder of your dominant hand. The open edges (the bound edges) should be UP. The folded edges should be over your shoulder. Center the width of the pouch over the ball of your shoulder.
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Place the seam where you want the baby’s bum to be. This seam provides the deepest part of the pouch and is where the bulk of your baby’s body will always be.For the tummy to tummy, cradle and kangaroo carry, position the serged pouch seam across the center of your body. For the hip and back carry, this seam will be along the side of your body.When wearing your pouch, make sure you are not wearing it inside out. When worn correctly, the snap “flap” (fabric with the unused rows of snaps) should be flat against your back. You should not see the Kangaroo Korner label. This is a left-dominant pouch.Your pouch has now created a “pocket” similar to a piece of pita bread. Your baby will always ride inside of the pocket. Please ensure that there is always fabric behind and in front of your baby. In addition, there will almost always be fabric between your baby and your body (except for when nursing).

Tummy to Tummy Carry

(birth – 4 months with legs in, 2 months – 35 lbs with legs out)

This is the position we recommend you begin with when wearing your new pouch, no matter what your child’s age. It is the easiest toget baby in and out of and takes up the least amount of room. It is also one of the best positions for newborns and premature babies as baby is wornsnug against your chest, close to your heartbeat.

po kkafp #4Tummy to Tummy in Pouch sling #1Tummy to Tummy in Pouch sling #2
Put your pouch on. The seam of the pouch should be positioned across the center of your body and the snaps will be behind your shoulder or in the middle of your back, regardless of what shoulder you are wearing the pouch on.Hold your baby in burp position, over your shoulder.Tuck her feet underneath her bottom or slightly in front of her stomach.
 Tummy to Tummy in Pouch sling #3Tummy to Tummy in Pouch sling #4 Tummy to Tummy in Pouch sling #5
Insert her, bum first, into the bottom of the pouch. Ensure that there is fabric between the bottom portion of baby’s body and your stomach and that her feet are comfortably tucked inside the bottom of the pouch.Pull the upper edge of the pouch high up over her back. Small babies need extra support so make sure you pull the pouch up high enough to support the back of their head and neckAll done!In this position, it is okay if the lowest part of your baby’s body is an inch or two below your navel, but you should be able to easily bend down to kiss the top of your baby’s head. If you cannot, this indicates that the pouch is too big for you and you need to tighten it up at least one row of snaps.

Kangaroo Carry (2 months-8 months)

We recommend this position for babies under 22 lbs and/or 29-30”. Babies over these limits can cause you lower back pain as the pouch will notdistribute their weight evenly.

po kkafp #4 Kangaroo Carry in a Pouch #1Kangaroo Carry in a Pouch #3
Put your pouch on. The seam of the pouch should be positioned across the center of your body and the snaps will be behind your shoulder or in the middle of your back, regardless of what shoulder you are wearing the pouch on.Hold your baby in front of you with her legs crossed.Insert her, bum first, into the bottom of the pouch.
 Kangaroo Carry in a Pouch #5 Tummy to Tummy in Pouch sling #4Kangaroo Carry in a Pouch #4
Your baby’s feet should be crossed in front of her stomach/chest.Pull up the fabric in between the front of your body and your baby’s back, high up on your chest.All done!



Hip Carry (4 months – 35 lbs)

 Hip carry with a pouch #1 Hip carry with a pouch #2 Hip carry with a pouch #3
Put the sling on with the padding on the inside. Line up the seam with the opposite breast.Toss your kiddo up onto your shoulder, in the burp position or higher.Put child’s feet all the way through the sling. Slide the seam around so the seam is lined up with his spine.
 Hip carry with a pouch #4 Hip carry with a pouch #5 Hip carry with a pouch #6
Open the folds of the pouch to make a seat. Drop him into the seat by lowering his bottom between the layers of fabric.The bottom rail (or padded rail) should be under his knees and the top rail (unpadded) can be pulled up under his armpits or up above his shoulders for more snuggle. Flip the top layer of shoulder down for more support, if desired.Ta Da! All done!

Taking Baby Out of the Pouch

 How to take your baby out of a pouch sling #1 How to take your baby out of a pouch sling #2 How to take your baby out of a pouch sling #3 How to take your baby out of a pouch sling #4
Pull sling up onto shoulder to make room underneath for baby to come through. Slip his head out of the bottom/back into your arm. Grab his back and bottom with your arm and hand. Now go change his diaper.

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